MK Pilates Spirals

The Spirals Programme was initially devised and created by Michael King, founder of MK Pilates, to help his clients improve their Pilates practice by working on mobility, flexibility, co-ordination and balance.

MK Pilates Spirals is a fun and energising exercise programme, set to music, working towards a strong, flexible and well-contoured body. The choreography is designed to focus on dynamic stretching as well as on conditioning, suitable for everyone who enjoys moving to music.

  • Helps to develop a strong, flexible and well-contoured body
  • Designed to increase mobility and flexibility, co-ordination and balance
  • A dynamic stretching and stability challenge
Photograph of a pilates spirals class, showing participants in a spiralling movement

MK Pilates Spirals Classes

Each class is made up of choreography to different pieces of music, focussing on specific phases of the class, such as preparation, spirals, standing strength, flowing movement, balance, transition to the mat, abdominals and stretching. Using the music to motivate and guide you will get results while having fun.

‘I find it strengthening and healing all at the same time.’ Emily A.


Mondays 17:45 – 18:45 at Brickhill Community Centre in Bedford

Wednesdays 12:45 – 13:45 at Brickhill Community Centre in Bedford

Please click here to book.

Photographs taken at Movefit Pilates studio, Rosamond Road, Bedford

14 Spirals programmes have been developed so far. They all have the same number of sections – from preparation through to the finishing phase – each choreographed to music, and the sections of the different programmes are interchangeable, and therefore provide a large amount of variation possible from class to class, keeping it fresh, engaging and fun. The base choreography is simple to follow, and it allows for progressions to be added when participants feel ready to challenge themselves more.

Michael King presenting his Spirals programmes at FILEX Fitness Convention, Sydney
by Australian Fitness Network

‘I really think there is a dancer in everybody, when you hear that piece of music that just makes you move or a piece of music that reminds of a special moment – That’s Spirals.” Michael King

Photograph of pilates instructor demonstrating a pelvic stability exercise